Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Maryse Verrecchia | translation: Louis Shurmer-Smith
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Indépendence: 27.10.1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines constitute an archipelago of 32 islands of which only nine are inhabited.
The national flag of St. Vincent & the Grenadines evokes in the colours of its three main bands, the luxurious vegetation of the archipelago (green), the light of the sun (yellow), and the blue of the sea and the sky. In 1991, the coat of arms of the state were replaced by three green losanges forming the V of Vincent. |
General information
Area: 389 km2 (St. Vincent: 344 km2, the Grenadines: 45 km2)
Location: 13°09'N, 61°13'W
Highest landmark: Mont Grand Bonhomme (954 m) Capital: Kingstown, main seaport. Population (2011) : 109 400 inhab. Official language: english Everyday languages: english, english vincy (Vincent creole). Currency: East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) with an exchange rate on 17.03.2011 of 1 XCD = 0.268 € or 0.374 US$ Independence Day: 27 October |
Political regime
Constitution: Parliamentary monarchy
►Queen: Elisabeth II
Bipartisan government:
Governing party: Unity Labour Party (ULP)
International and regional organisations:
►Member of CARICOM (01.05.1974)
Brief History
Recent events
1979: Last eruption of the La Soufrière volcano |
Demographic data
Life expectancy (2011)
: 72.3 ans (UNDP)
Literacy rate (1999-2007): 88.1% (UNDP) Density (2011): 281.2 inhab./km2 Level of urbanisation (2006): 45.9% (2005), 50% forecast by 2015. Religion: Protestant: anglican 47%, methodist 28%. Catholiic 13%, others 12%.
Economic data
GDP (2010):
6.84 million US$ (IMF)
GDP per capita (2010): 6 381.4 US$ (IMF) Rate of growth (2008): 1.6% (1990-2005), 5% (2008). Active population (2008): agriculture 13.2%, industry 20.6%, services 66.2%.
Unemployment rate: na
Taux d'inflation (2010): 0.5% (FMI)
Public deficit (2010): 37.2% of GDP Main export clients (2009): Greece 46.1%, Poland 13.6%, France 10.4%. Main import suppliers (2009): Singapore 15.8%, Trinidad & Tobago 13.5%, United States 13.2%, China 12.6%, Italy 8.7%, Turkey 6.5%, France 5.5%, Roumania 4.4%. Some strong points: Economy dominated by agriculture (particularly export of bananas) and tourism sector (25% of employment). Tax havens. Maritime heritage: beaches and underwater depths amongst the most beautiful in the world. Tobago Cays designated as a biosphere reserve in order to protect the ecosystem. |
Cultural particularities
14th March, Day of national
heroes, end of June/beginning July (10 days): carnival. Whaling: tradition which has disappeared everywhere else in the Antilles. Twho whales are hunted each year. Traditional activities: cock fighting, music: calypso, soca. Steel bands. National sport: cricket
National dish: salted fish or onion, tomato and cucumber fries, served with fruit on
toasted bread. "Callalou soup", soup thickened with taro leaves, salted or raw meat, potatoes, coco milk and condiments. "conch souse," boiled lambis. Drink: "Hairou," local beer, awarded gold medal in Brussels, 1993. "Sunset rum," 84.5° proof, one of the strongest in the world. Personalities:
► Adonal Foyle, basketball player born in Canouan, became a star of the American NBA and idol in his native country.
Founded an association to promote basketball. |